Pultrusion Resin
Polyester resin and Vinyl Ester resin for fiberglass pultrusion process(pultrusionada), to produce FRP profiles, fiberglass handrails, fiberglass cable tray, rejillas de fibra de vidrio, FRP grating.
Chemical Type:
Orthophthalic(ortoftálicas), Isophthalic(Resina Isoftálica de Poliéster) or Vinyl
Pre-accelerated : Optional
FRP Panel
Preaccelerated orthophthalic type unsaturated polyester resin, for production of frp transparent sheet(transparente laminas), fiberglass translucent panel(prfv lámina traslúcida), frp opaque panel, fiberglass corrugated panel.
Low viscosity to make sure resin can flow fast and evenly on film.
Process: fiberglass panel continuous molding, hand lay up
Polymer Concrete
DCPD type unsaturated polyester resin, for casting process to produce Polymer Concrete(concreto polimerico).
The resin is typically mixed with sand, quartz filler and fiberglass, for manufacturing:
water drainage systems, polymer concrete enclosures, box, manhole,tapas, rejillas y canaletas de concreto polimérico.
Chemical Type: DCPD, Orthophthalic
Pre-accelerated: Optional
Spray Up
(Resinas Poliester para Aspersion)
An Ortho-phthalic type unsaturated polyester resin, pre-accelerated and thixotropic treated.
Poliéster insaturado, ortoftálica, preacelerada y tixotrópica, de reactividad y viscosidad media. Es apropiada para laminado manual y moldeo por aspersión(spray up).
Fast wet out withchopped glass fiber,resistance to sagging on vertical surfaces.
Application:Marine(boat,yacht),Transportation(components for cars, vans, trucks and buses), Infrastructure (swimming pools,frp panels), and Industrial (storage vessels, cooling towers).
Type: Orthophthalic, Vinyl Ester
Basin and Artificial Marble
(Artificial De Marmol)
An Ortho-phthalic type unsaturated polyester resin, good defoaming andfilling performance.
Mix with gravel, stone, for casting process, to make artificial marble, sink, artificial agate, bathtubs, basins(lavabo), spas, kitchen countertops.
Type: Orthophthalic, Isophthalic
RTM and Infusion
Unsaturated polyester resin(UPR),withlow viscosity and reactivity, good mechanical strength, for:RTM(resin transfer molding), L-RTM, Infusionand Vacuum bagging process.
Produce: automotive parts (autopartes,campers and camiones fibra de vidrio, tracto partes), composite components(vans, caravans, truck components) …
Chemical Type: DCPD, Orthophthalic, Isophthalic and Vinyl Ester
Pre-accelerated: Optional
General Purpose
A low shrinkage, low profile unsaturated polyester resin(resina poliéster),designed for roomtemperature curing with the addition of MEKP catalyst.
Process: hand lay up(laminating, laminación manual), filament winding, open mold
Type: DCPD, Orthophthalic(ortoftálicas), Isophthalic(Resina isoftálica)
Pre-accelerated & Thixotropic : Optional