Carbon Fiber Fabric Twill / Plain / Biaxial
Carbon Fabrics are woven from 1K, 3K, 6K, 12K carbon fiber yarn, with high strength and high modulus.
MAtex outsourced with plain(1×1), twill(2×2), unidirectional and biaxial(+45/-45) carbon fiber cloth.
Spread- tow treated carbon cloth available.
Carbon Fiber Veil 6g/m2, 8g/m2, 10g/m2
Carbon Fiber Veil, also known as Conductive Veil, is a non-woven tissue made of randomly oriented carbon fibers distributed in a special binder by a wet lay process.
Conductivity of the material, used for grounding of composite structure products to minimize the accumulation of static electricity. Static dissipation is particularly important in composite tanks and pipelines dealing with explosive or flammable liquids and gases.
Roll width: 1m, 1.25m.
Density: 6g/m2 — 50g/m2.